***Internet Ministers ...

Internet Ministers Scott & Lisa Reese
Latest update is now available at:


Web Evangelists . . . Lisa & Scott Reese




The InternetMinister.org Team

* The Ministry of InternetMinister.org is a division of Reconciliation Resource Ministries, a Christian 501c3 Non Profit Organization: http://ChristCares.org

Reconciliation Resource Ministries

Contribute: Empower this Strategic Ministry to Continue and Grow.

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*Internet Minister.org- Empowers YOU to share your faith through Internet Evangelism & Internet Ministry. Training & Opportunities:

InternetMinister.org - Empowering YOU to share your faith through Internet Evangelism and Christian Internet Ministry.

  • Internet Minister Scott Reese Update - November, 2009
  • Internet Minister DVD Info:

Fresh info on Internet Minister Scott Reese can be found at: ChristCares.org

Special Update from Internet Minister Scott Reese is found on his blog:


I'm sorry some ot these Christian Internet Ministry pages are slightly dated,

I hope to update them soon!

Please browse to learn more about "Web Evangelism".

If you are interested in helping, or if you would like more information

from an Internet Minister,

please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

New - see a power point slide presentation - Why Internet Ministry?

at www.christianinternetministry.com

also see how a missionary can use his Mobile Phone for missions at:


Internet Minister Scott Reese


A DVD to explain the potential of Internet Ministry is in the works -

Please let us know if you would like a copy when it is completed or

if you have any ideas for us as we put it together.

God bless you!

Scott Reese http://internetminister.org


Hello, I'm Scott Reese, an Internet Minister and Urban Missionary.

Thank you for visiting www.internetminister.org. 

We have four goals for this Internet Ministry website:

1. To Instruct YOU:

We all can be Internet Ministers!

We want to provide instruction on how to share your faith through Internet Evangelism. Although there are over 1 Billion people "online", most Christians do not deeply understand, or see the potential of Internet Evangelism i.e. Internet Ministry or Web Evangelism.

Please start HERE to learn about the power and potential of the Internet for ministry:

* Internet Evangelism and Internet Ministry Explained

via the Web Evangelism Guide:


* Internet Ministry and Internet Evangelism RESOURCES:


* Information on Internet Evangelism Day:


* Remember, I'm here for YOU! I am happy to help, and answer any questions you may have:


also, our NEW Christian Internet Ministry Website:

ChristianInternetMinistry.com - Christian Internet Ministry & Web Evangelism website to empower YOU to share YOUR faith.


This Christian Internet Ministry Website

explains the current Internet Ministry projects of

Internet Minister Scott Reese

2. To Empower YOU:

We want to empower you to share your faith. Our particular niche at InternetMinister.org is the development of BRIDGE SITES.

God has given you unique gifts and talents. You also have your own particular interests, passions, hobbies, and life experiences. God can use these to BRIDGE the differences we have with the "lost". By relating & connecting with someone on common ground (shared interests) one can develop a sincere relationship and also share the "GOOD NEWS".

We are forming CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY GROUPS for the purpose of developing Bridge sites to share our faith.

As part of a team (Community Group) you will be connected with Christians with similar interests. You will have fun developing frienships and spending time involved with the things you enjoy most. Most importantly, you will also find opportunities to share your faith.

It does not matter if you have any computer knowledge or not. It also does not matter if you know HOW to share your faith at this point. By joining a team you will be encouraged and will find an important role in the Christian Community Group. As time goes by you will learn how to share your faith and then have opportunity to do so when you feel ready.

There are several links to do this:

Step 1, go to http://bridgesites.org to better understand our vision of the "Bridge Site Strategy".

bridge sites - web evangelism

Step 2, go to http://christiancommunitygroups.com to determine which Christian Community Group you would like to join . . . (& also help develop effective bridge sites on that topic)

Internet Evangelism Teams

Step 3, Go to www.ChristianCommunitygroups.org. Here we are in process of developing a Christian Social Network to foster collaboration on ministry endeavors ("Community with Purpose" (c)) In some ways it will be a safer version of "Myspace" or Facebook. In other ways it will be better in that it will foster communication and collaboration among Christians.

There is also a possibility that we may be partnering with www.boc.org (BodyOfChristonline.org) to develop these strategic Christian Community Groups. Regardless, we would like for you to be familiar with their website and its founder: Nick Shelton.

Christian Social Network: boc.org, Community with Purpose"  The Body of Christ Online

3. To Inspire YOU:

We want to inspire YOU with an innovative and strategic program that supports International Missions through empowering native missionaries AND developing effective foreign ministry websites.

This is a unique time in human history. 50% of all the people who have ever lived are alive today! The technological advances of this age have brought unpresidented opportunities to get the GOOD NEWS to the "uttermost" parts of the world.

Another new development is that since there is such a wide difference in the cost of living between different nations, it is now possible for an individual, family, or church to take on the support of a full time missionary in the poorer regions of the world.

I have shared several ideas in my Internet Minister Blog:

Adventures of a Web Evangelist (fishblog.org)

a couple recommended posts to sample:

International Missions Strategy

"My Space" & Paul

Synergy of combined passions

I also have a Mobile Evangelism blog

photographed, written, and post by my cell phone as an

example of how a missionary could use his cell phone for ministry:




4. To Protect YOU:

The Internet has brought many awesome opportunities for ministry, education, entertainment, and community; yet it also has a dark side. There are also many temptations just a keystroke away. Pornography, seceret friendships, credit card spending, child preditors, just to name a few. The Bible says a wise person will foresee the temptation and avoid it. We are also told not to make provision for the flesh. In other words, we are taught not only to avoid wrong deeds; but also to guard our hearts and when possible stay clear from temptation.

I'm grateful to share that much can be done to ensure that your computer stays as a source of blessing and not a source of temptation.

Please review the following link for more information on how to protect yourself and your family from the dangers of the Internet:

An excellent Internet Filter with great accountability features

is found HERE (Making your purchase through this link also blesses an outstanding Christian Ministry)

I (Internet Minister Scott Reese), recently wrote an article:



Thank for your interest. Please sign up for our email newsletter below.

We are praying that the Lord would touch someone's heart to make a special donation to jump start this strategic Internet Evangelism endeavor....


There are other ways you can help jump start this strategic ministry. We need volunteers, prayers, and guidance.

We have Information and free resources for Internet Evangelsm Day at:


Together, with God's help, we'll get the GOOD NEWS out to the masses in strategic ways. With over 1 billion people online, God's people must get involved in Internet Evangelism and Web Ministry. Please join us in prayer and help us spread the word about www.internetminister.org. Clever plans can not change a heart - only God can. This is a spiritual effort and our effectivness is dependent on God's blessings.

www.internetminister.org - internet ministry - internet evangelism.

Internet Minister, Internet Evangelism, Internet Ministry, Web Evangelism, Bridge Sites, Blog Ministry, Online Ministry, missions, missionaries, are search terms to help people find this page.



Information about God and Christianity at http::/howtobeachristian.org



Learn how to be a Christian I.e. How to become a Christian




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(*We won't share your info. - if you would like me to call, please include your phone number.)


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Please list your questions and comments
(If you already know how you'd like to help, please let us know.)
We are compiling a list of those interested in teaming up with us in various ways.


Search Terms to help people find this page:
"Internet Ministry", "Internet Minister", web witnessing, "Blog Ministry", "Blog Evangelism", Internet Evangelism, web evangelism, online ministry, computer ministry, weblog, how to write, witness, evangelize,missions,church, christians, web evangelist, internet minister, testimony, blog ministry,blog evangelism. Web Evangelist Blog, COMING SOON: Christian Internet Ministry Forums - http://christianinternetministry.org

Internet Minister.org is a place to empower YOU to share your faith through web evangelism and Internet Ministry.

Christian Internet Ministry

View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: witnessing outreach) Please view FULL SCREEN / there is sound for this presentation - if you use the safari web browser, please switch to IE to get the sound.

Please prayerfully consider donating $5 dollars a month to aid in our Internet Ministry endeavors - many doing a little can have a huge impact!




internetminister@hotmail.com internetminister.org - empowering YOU to share your faith through "Blog Ministry"

Internet Minister - Scott Reese Scott Reese - Internet Minister ...Copyright 2009 internetMinister.org